[Schematic] mono miner v1.3

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V1.3 (can run in micro proc, but efficiency drops)
Set unitType (default quasar)
Set maxUnit = number of units you want to mine.
set maxDist = maximum distance from processor that units can be bound from.
Set fastCheck = true for in-built unitlocate
Set fastCheck = false for bespoke locate function (sand always uses bespoke check).
set maxWait = time in seconds to wait for units to move to processor. high time = long wait if unit dies. short time = units might not reach processor in time.

Link one extra building after sorter to deposit. If no extra link, deposit to core.

Set the sorter to desired material. Set to null to unbind/deflag all units.

Place scheme near:
Sand, Lead, Copper, Scrap, Coal or Titanium.
Set the sorter to desired material.
One unit will move to the processor. Bespoke searches outwards from processor in rings until it finds the material within 18 rings (1440 tiles).
if found, and not under a solid or building, all other units will mine that spot and return arisings to building.
Units holding incompatible materials will jettison it.
Both white sand and dark sand are mined.

this version does not:
check for controller. it uses flags.
check storage limits.
check distance of core from mining location to quick deposit. place the processor between core and deposit to achieve minimum distance

v1.1 pulsar and quasar now boost.
v1.2 added max dist option to only use units within a maximum distance of the processor. very useful for slow units or processors very far from each other
v1.3 don't move if within. saves time and placement issues.

by Hyperion
