[Schematic] LogicCube Last Edition (x64)

Views: 849
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[Funny story : I was gonna put up Last Edition on discord, but I commit whoopsies daisies and put up LogicCube (v4) instead, I tried to put this one again but 64x64 size cap prevented me, so after a week of fuzzing with 2D Bin packing theory and becam world renowned tetris player (totally real), I finally pack schematic at 64x64 for you guys to enjoy]

The last (Version 5.1) game pact on my LogicCube™ Collection (I mean this is prob the second one I put on discord but whatever)

+ About 20 game I collected for about 3 month
+ Credit included, if it still on there
+ Some game are ported to bigger display
+ Some game require reset button pressed to be working properly
+ Memes included to fill space because I don't give a fuck


negative power icon-3060