[Schematic] PRZ| Quasar Logic v19

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Quasar Logic
Version v19
Made by TyT|xexebe

[1] If there little hp, they fly to the repair.
[2] If the enemy is close to quasars, attack they.


1 | Rally [ Copper ]
1. Waiting for distant instructions around the processor.
2. Also [1] [2]

2 | Cursor Control [ Lead ]
1. Controlling quasars by the player's cursor.
2. Also [1]

3 | Auto-Attack [ Graphite ]
1. Fly to the enemy core, if they see a turret along the way, then "sit down" and attack it, while going towards the core.
2. Attack power ECO [no reactors for save]
3. Also [1][2]

4 | Arc control [ Metaglass ]
1. Control of quasars using an arc.
2. Also [1]

5 | Defense [ Titanium ]
1. Quasars fly around the player.
2. If it is close to the core and it does NOT have max HP, heal it.
3. If it is close to the turret and it does NOT have max HP, heal it.
4. [Doesn't work if there are more than 2 gamma's in the team.
5. Also [1][2]

6 | Defense Point [ Plastanium ]
1. With the help of the arc shoot anywhere, the quasars will fly there and guard this point
2. Heal near block's
[Very suitable for protection of important objects]
3. Also [1][2]

7 | Minning [ Coal ]
1. Quasar's are minning copper, lead and titanium
[ Main resources ]

8 | Minning 2° [ Sand ]
1. Quasar's are minning sand and coal
2. Sand coordinates find auto, but you can set it by arc themselves
[ Second resources ]

9 | Heal [ Silicone ]
1. When notice a broken block with a small amount of hp, fly to it and heal it.
2. Also [1][2]

• Fix repair in attack-mode
• Fix a bud when quasar go to 0, 0 coordinates when all enemy cores destroyed ( now they all go to proccesor)

If you found a bug write me a PM about it

negative power icon-240