[Schematic] eco slag manager - compare exemple

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Eco Slag manager can :

- Reduce Electric consumtion of melter (≈ -10/15%)
- Reduce scrap use by melter
- Sometime improve global production of separator
(depending on schematic used and input)

Need a container or tank to work
Link and named container in proc.
Link and name melter in proc

This schematic is an exemple to compare efficiency,

The only usefull processor is the one surround with wall.
The rest is proof of concept

Bottom screen compare production and point the most efficient
(Proof of no lost in production)

Control manualy both node power to see electric power efficiency of the slag manager
(left without, right with it)

To Improve :
- use getlink loop to allow hotwire
- graphic control to compare both power consumtion

positive power icon+1320negative power icon-1200