[Schematic] Malign Defense

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Supplies needed in the vault:
-12/s Sand (7.5 max-speed cliff crushers)
-6/s Thorium (more recommended for Titan ammo)
-30/s Water (more recommended for Titan boost) - in the bottom right liquid container.
-700-940 Power at idle (up to 2020 Power when everything is at full blast)

End-game tower defense schematic. The Phase heaters might take a while to get going. I recommend you start building by getting the Phase Synthesizer, Nitrogen and the Build Towers going, so you can build the rest quicker. The Regen Projectors can reach up to 2 layers of large walls in front of the towers. You might be able to power more Lustres with the Nitrogen, depending on how long the Wave Timer is (so the nitrogen can stockpile in the liquid tank between waves).

negative power icon-1670